Site index


About us

ADMA-OPCO selects Technip for Project Management Consultancy services for the Nasr Phase II Full Field Development Project

ADMA-OPCO selects Technip for Project Management Consultancy services for the Zakum field offshore Abu Dhabi

American Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization

Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE)

ArcelorMittal selected by Technip to supply highly-resistant steel wires for the development of oil and gas offshore fields

As previously indicated, Technip will issue its preliminary 2014 market views on December 17, 2013 after the market close

Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference

Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference

Availability of Form 11-K for the TechnipFMC Retirement Savings Plan for the Fiscal Year Ended 31 December 2019


Board of Directors

Braskem-Idesa awarded Technip technology provider and contractor for the Ethylene XXI project in Mexico



Case Studies

Chiyoda and Technip join Qatargas 2 in announcing the inauguration of the world's largest LNG trains

Combined shareholders' meeting of April 28, 2006: Overview of market conditions and 2006 outlook

Combined shareholders' meeting of April 28, 2006: Overview of market conditions and 2006 outlook (1)

Competitive and attractive compensation offered


Contacts and subscriptions

Cookie policy


Digital transformation

DrillNow™ unconventional


EDP, TechnipFMC and Partners Join Forces to Develop a Concept Study for Green Hydrogen Production From Offshore Wind Power

EMC - Eastern Mediterranean Conference

Ethics and Compliance

Events calendar

Executive Officers


Filing with the AMF of prospectus in connection with the admission to trading of bonds on Euronext Paris

Financial news releases

First supply contract for Asiaflex Products, Technip’s new flexible pipe plant in Malaysia

FMC Technologies and Technip Announce Designees to Board of Directors of Combined Company

FMC Technologies and Technip Combination: High Court of Justice Approves Cross-Border Merger and Sets Closing for January 16, 2017

FMC Technologies and Technip Combination: TechnipFMC Secures AMF Approval of Its Prospectus for Listing Its Shares on Euronext Paris

FMC Technologies and Technip to Present at the 2016 Barclays CEO Energy – Power Conference

FMC Technologies Announces Agreement with Anadarko, BP, ConocoPhillips and Shell to Develop the Next Generation of Subsea Production Equipment

FMC Technologies Announces Intent to Divest Its Material Handling Products Business to Syntron Material Handling, LLC, an Affiliate of Levine Leichtman Capital Partners

FMC Technologies Awarded $200 Million Subsea Equipment Contract for Statoil's Gullfaks South Field Development

FMC Technologies Awarded $393 Million Subsea Systems Contract for Eni's Block 15/06 East Hub Project Offshore Angola

FMC Technologies Awarded $40 Million Subsea Boosting Station Contract for Petrobras' Parque das Baleias Development

FMC Technologies Completes Divestiture of Its Material Handling Products Business to Syntron Material Handling, LLC, an Affiliate of Levine Leichtman Capital Partners

FMC Technologies Reports Second Quarter 2016 Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.01; Excluding Charges, Adjusted Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.22

FMC Technologies Reports Third Quarter 2015 Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.61, excluding impairment and restructuring charges

FMC Technologies Reports Third Quarter 2016 Diluted Earnings per Share from Continuing Operations of $0.20; Excluding Charges, Adjusted Diluted Earnings per Share from Continuing Operations of $0.35

FMC Technologies to Participate in Panel Discussion at the Simmons & Company International Thirteenth Annual Energy Conference

FMC Technologies to Participate in Panel Discussion at the Simmons & Company International Twelfth Annual Energy Conference


GE and Technip sign Memorandum of Understanding to explore digital solutions for new LNG projects

General Shareholders’ Meeting - April 28, 2011 - Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting documents

General Shareholders’ Meeting - April 29, 2010 - Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting Documents

General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 23, 2015. Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting documents

General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 24, 2014. Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting documents

General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 25, 2013 Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting documents

General Shareholders’ Meeting on April 28, 2016 Availability of the Shareholders’ Meeting Documents

Genesis awarded Enterprise Framework Agreement by Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

Global applicant privacy notice

Global applicant privacy notice - Portuguese

Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit & Exhibition (GIPEX)

Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit & Exhibition (GIPEX) (1)


Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference


IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conferenc

iComplete™ Integrated System

Inauguration of Technip’s Innovation and Technology Center: Innovation at the heart of the Group’s strategy

International Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference & Exhibition

International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA) ​

International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC)

International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) (1)

International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (ISHM)​


iProduction™ Integrated System



Media Gallery

Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition

Middle East Produced Water Oil and Gas Symposium

Mise en oeuvre du RETRAIT OBLIGATOIRE visant les actions de la société Cybernétix (French only)


Offshore Technology Conference (OTC)

Onshore Petroleum Technology Conference

Onshore Wellsite Facilities Congress 2023

OPA visant les actions de la société Cybernetix initiée par la société Technip - Autres informations (French version only

Our peoples inspiring experiences

OWI Decommissioning and Abandonment


Pascal Colombani is appointed Senior Independent Director by Technip’s Board of Directors

Permian Basin International Oil Show (PBIOS)​

Privacy notice


Quality, HSE and Security


Regulatory filings

Report of the Board of directors to the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

Report of the Board of directors to the special meeting of shareholders entitled to double voting rights

Results of the option to receive the dividend payment for financial year 2015 in share


Serimax, a Vallourec subsidiary, and Technip, to enter into a strategic partnership for pipeline welding

Shell and the Technip Samsung Consortium sign agreement to strengthen Floating LNG collaboration

Sonatrach and TechnipFMC Announce That the Dispute Related to the Rehabilitation of the Refinery in Algiers Has Been Definitively Settled

SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition​

SPE Saudi Aramco Artificial Intelligence Symposium

SPE Subsea Well Intervention Symposium

SPE Workshop: Sand Management in Production - Common Themes and Unconventional Challenges

SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference

SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition

SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition​

SPE/IADC Virtual International Drilling

Stock information


Technip / Chiyoda: Multi-billion US$ LNG contract in Qatar - momentous LNG project for North American market

Technip acquires control of Cybernétix through the acquisition of blocks of shares held by reference shareholders

Technip and Chemetry sign agreement for licensing and engineering of eShuttle™ technology

Technip and DOF Subsea awarded contract for the charter of the first Brazilian pipelay vessel

Technip and Fluor awarded EP&CM contract for Sasol’s Louisiana Ethane Cracker and Derivatives Complex

Technip and FMC Technologies Announce Brazilian Antitrust Clearance and the Conclusion of the Antitrust Reviews on their Combination

Technip and Heerema form an alliance to help their clients address the subsea ultra-deepwater market

Technip and HQC create two joint ventures to improve access to the European and Chinese procurement markets

Technip and Odebrecht Óleo e Gás receive letter of award for 2 flexible pipeline installation vessels

Technip and Subsea 7 awarded contract for the Deepwater Roncador Field Development in Brazil

Technip and Subsea 7 awarded subsea installation contract for the CWLH redevelopment project in Australia

Technip and Subsea 7 sign memorandum of understanding to form a permanent joint venture in Asia Pacific

Technip announces agreements to transfer the assets of Gulf Marine Fabricators to Gulf Island Fabrication and to enter into a cooperation agreement for future EPC projects

Technip announces two contract awards for the Brenda and Affleck developments in UK North Sea

Technip anticipates an even more challenging environment in oil & gas: Launches restructuring plan and accelerates its cost reduction to reinforce the Group through and beyond the downturn

Technip awarded a basic engineering design and support contract for a polyethylene plant in China

Technip awarded a contract for the modernization of SOCAR Azerikimya Petrochemical Complex in Azerbaijan

Technip awarded a five-year contract by BP Angola for engineering and modification services

Technip awarded a key Subsea contract for the Walker Ridge development in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded a large subsea installation contract for the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project in Australia

Technip awarded a major subsea contract for the Jack & St-Malo fields in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded a major subsea contract for the Jack & St-Malo fields in the Gulf of Mexico (1)

Technip Awarded a Service Contract Including Proprietary Technologies for a New Gas and Petrochemical Complex in Azerbaijan

Technip awarded a significant technology and EPC contract by CHS for a hydrogen plant in Montana, USA

Technip awarded a strategic engineering contract for a world class ammonia-urea fertilizer facility in Gabon

Technip awarded a subsea contract for the South Santa Cruz and Barataria fields in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded a substantial contract to supply the first flexible pipes for the Libra pre-salt field

Technip awarded additional subsea contract for the Stones project development in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded an important EPCI contract for the G1200 to develop the Starfish field in Trinidad and Tobago

Technip awarded an important five-year Inspection, Repair and Maintenance contract by ConocoPhillips U.K.

Technip awarded contract by BP for the extension of a purified terephthalic acid plant in Belgium

Technip awarded contract by Mariner Energy Inc. for the Bass Lite development in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded contract by Petrobras to provide high-tech solutions for the Guara & Lula Nordeste pre-salt fields in Brazil

Technip awarded contract by Silicium de Provence for a photovoltaic silicon production plant

Technip awarded contract for a Gas and Condensate Export System project in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

Technip awarded contract for a specialty lubricant base stock facility in the United States

Technip awarded contract for extension of the Fujairah Water Transmission System in the United Arab Emirates

Technip awarded contract for the extension of subsea infrastructure on the Alvheim field in the North Sea

Technip awarded contract for the loading, transport and installation of a production platform in Nigeria

Technip awarded contract for the URSA and Princess field developments in the Gulf of Mexico

Technip awarded contract to provide basic engineering and proprietary equipment for furnace project in Saudi Arabia

Technip awarded contract to provide onshore FEED for world’s first commercial gas carbon capture and storage project in Scotland

Technip awarded contract to supply hydrogen reformers for PETRONAS' RAPID project in Malaysia

Technip awarded detailed design contract for the Wheatstone gas processing platform in Australia

Technip awarded engineering & design contracts for a new ethylene production plant at Dow Texas Operations

Technip awarded engineering and procurement contract for Westlake Chemical’s ethylene plant expansion in Louisiana