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Ethics and compliance

Ethics and compliance

Our commitment to excellence

How TechnipFMC conducts its business across the world is as important as why TechnipFMC does business. We act in accordance with our core values and our foundational beliefs in all that we do. We aspire to develop business relationships with like-minded partners who are guided by a similar set of principles of business conduct.

Code of Business Conduct

COBC 2024 EN Cover (1)

Our Code of Business Conduct is built on our foundational beliefs of safety, integrity, quality, respect and sustainability, and gives us a common language and playbook for decisions and actions that help us live our core values. Our Code helps us recognize and address the ethical dimensions to our everyday decisions.

Ethics and compliance program

Our compliance program is designed on a risk-based approach and focuses on priorities below:

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption: Our standards and processes provide a clear and comprehensive framework for our business in all of the countries in which we operate, in compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Trade Controls and Foreign Boycotts: We implement policies and procedures pertaining to international trade laws and regulations imposed by applicable authorities.
  • Data Privacy: We implement appropriate security and access measures to protect personal data stored in information systems.
  • Human Rights: The protection of human rights principles is an essential business principle we promote for our employees in the workplace and across our supply chain.

Reporting compliance concerns

It is up to all of us to uphold the principles in our Code of Business Conduct. We encourage employees and others to raise questions and concerns to ensure that we are leading by example.

Suspected breaches of our code can be reported through various means, including through an independent third-party via the dedicated reporting helpline.

TechnipFMC has a zero-tolerance policy on retaliation against employees for reporting suspected violations of our policies or Code.

For reporting any compliance concern, including violations of laws against corruption or other offenses, please contact our reporting helpline at the following link:

TechnipFMC integrity helpline

Human Rights & Worker Welfare

“Respect” is one of our Foundational Beliefs. It guides how we fundamentally do business and what we never compromise on, no matter the circumstances. We believe that everyone is entitled to honest, fair and courteous treatment. We adhere to, and require our subcontractors, suppliers, and business partners to adhere to all internationally recognized human rights standards, including those set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and have an approach to human rights consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Regulatory compliance

The TechnipFMC Consolidated Account of Labor Rights and Worker Welfare 2023 is made by TechnipFMC plc and its relevant subsidiaries in compliance with the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015, Norwegian Transparency Act, and Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.

TechnipFMC Consolidated Account of Labor Rights and Worker Welfare 2023

To request information pursuant to Section 6 of the Norwegian Transparency Act regarding TechnipFMC’s handling of actual and potential adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, please complete and submit the following form.

Contact us

Please find our available documents below

Documents in Portuguese are available here.