TechnipFMC has 50 years of offshore experience in Norway.

Few know our coast and the people who live there better than us.

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En stor del av

teknologi-eventyret på Kongsberg

Vår historie i Norge starter som en del av oljedivisjonen på Kongsberg våpenfabrikk i 1972. Selskapet var dermed en del av den fantastiske teknologiske utviklingen på Kongsberg. Med årene vokste vi og etablerte oss langs hele norskekysten. I 1994 ble vi kjøpt av amerikanske FMC, og i 2017 fusjonerte selskapet med franske Technip. Selv om vi har blitt større og i dag er et internasjonalt selskap, er sjelen og tilhørigheten vår norsk.

Watch the film about TechnipFMC in Norway here:

We depend on the problem solvers of the future. That makes it important for us to work closely with a variety of educational institutions. TechnipFMC also has our own trainee program, the Subsea systems engineering course and is one of the largest apprentice companies in Bergen.


Today's students create tomorrow's solutions

Cloud, Sky, Building, Tower

We shop locally TechnipFMC is also completely dependent on others. More precisely, we depend on you, your company and the expertise you can offer. In fact, we trade locally for NOK 2 billion spread across the country. In concrete terms, this means that a number of Norwegian subcontractors are used on several of our projects — both nationally and internationally. This in turn creates jobs in cities and small towns, and contributes to value creation in a number of local communities —from north to south and from east to west.


We shop locally

We are the largest employer in both Øygarden and Sotra. In addition, we are the second largest employer in Kongsberg. This means that we are strongly connected to several local communities and the people who live there.


Anchor company

TechnipFMC has 2,600 employees in Norway. By employing people in a number of places in the country, we contribute to growth in several local communities.As a technology developer and a major player, we have responsibilities beyond our own business and value chain. The company has invested time and money in many projects, including GCE Subsea, Subsea Valley and the establishment of Kongsberg Agenda.


Size matters




Fixture, Door, Wood, Window, Shorts
Food, Tableware, Smile, Cooking

Both along the Sotra coast and inland at the Oslo coast, employees from different departments have contributed to removing plastic and other trash.


Beach cleaning

Da 700 ukrainske flyktninger skulle ankomme Kongsberg, var det mye som måtte ordnes på flyktningsenteret som skulle benyttes. Her bisto 80 ansatte fra TechnipFMC det norske sivilforsvaret med bæring, rydding og vask slik at rommene på senteret var klare til bruk.


Refugee assistance

Several of our employees have been involved in establishing and working at a youth club in Kongsberg. Here they help organize activities and socializing for young people in the local community — so that more have a place to hang out.


Youth club

We know that volunteering can mean a lot to others. By spending four hours of their own working time, each individual employee contributes to creating vibrant and attractive local communities where we as a company are established. The contributions can be anything from helping sports teams to assisting humanitarian organizations. This extra effort can make a huge difference to many people.

For us at TechnipFMC, this is a part of the company on which we spend a lot of resources, and which is very important to us. In this country, we’ve been involved in a number of different projects. You can find examples of some of them here.





Wind farm, Natural landscape, Sky, Water, Windmill, Fluid, Turbine, Lake, Electricity

The development of floating offshore wind will be crucial to ensure sufficient energy for future generations. We have been involved in developing floating offshore wind through participation in the Hywind Demo and Hywind Scotland. We will continue to develop technology and solutions for floating offshore wind and other renewable energy systems offshore.



Water, Sky, Vehicle

Johan Sverdrup is one of Norway's largest industrial projects and oil fields. We have delivered the valve system on the seabed. These are based on a new standard we have driven forward together with the developer. This makes cost-effective and faster development of the underwater systems of the future possible.


Johan Sverdrup

The developer of the Ormen Lange field wanted to send the gas from the field directly to land, not via a production platform on the field. We have delivered large well frames and dozens of valve systems on the seabed which made it possible to produce the huge gas resources at Ormen Lange in such a way.


Ormen lange

Sky, Cloud, Yellow

When the oil companies developed fields in deep water with floating production facilities, the use of rigid pipes became impossible for the transport of hydrocarbons from the well to the platform. We then developed the world's first flexible steel pipe so that the oil could flow from the production equipment on the seabed to the Snorre platform. Equipment to install this from our boats was also developed.



We understood early on that the oil and gas fields of the future would be found at sea depths where all work on the seabed would have to be done by underwater craft, not divers. Therefore, together with the operators at Gullfaks, we developed the world's first subsea system for the production of oil and gas, where all connections were done without the use of divers



With experience from some of Norway's biggest projects we are always ready for new ones. Here you can see some of the recent projects we have been involved in over the last few years

Med erfaring fra noen av Norges største prosjekter er vi alltid klar for nye. Her ser du noen av prosjektene vi har vært involvert i de siste årene.


Johan Sverdrup

Ormen Lange



Rectangle, Font
Human body, Hair, Head, Eye, Vertebrate, Bird, Window, Neck, Crescent, Jaw
Rectangle, Font

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Registered No. 09909709

TechnipFMC plc

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